Personal Enrichment
Our aim is to allow all students in the Sixth Form to develop a sense of responsibility for their work, for their choice of activities, for their fellow students and for the wider world outside.
Academic development goes hand-inhand with personal development and, at Sherrardswood, we place a high emphasis on developing the whole person, not just the academic mind.
As young people approaching their independent adult life, our Sixth Formers are also asked to take on extra responsibilities in the school. These responsibilities are wide and varied. They may involve working closely with younger forms, arranging assemblies and charity work or running the School Council, for example. All students should leave the Sixth Form committed both to developing their own academic, creative or sporting abilities and to contributing to the wider society of which we are a part.
We wish to develop a firm sense that we form a world wide community and share responsibility for the welfare and happiness of all human beings.