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One of many attractive things about being a Sixth Former is that you become one of the School’s leaders. You are at the apex of everything: sport, music, drama, debating and community service, to name but a few. 

As a member of the Sixth Form you will have a pivotal role within the school. All Sixth Formers will have the chance to take responsibility and to motivate, persuade and lead others. You will be expected to lead by example and to work with energy, enthusiasm, empathy, initiative and with integrity and reliability.

There are many opportunities for leading and supporting younger members of the school and for making a contribution to the school and wider community. The elected Sixth Form Leadership Team will play a key role here, working in both the Senior School but also the Prep School.

The emphasis, at sixth form level, will be less on a set of rules than on an enthusiastic membership of the school community. We wish to create an environment in which every individual may flourish and develop, in which the talents of every student are encouraged and nurtured, and in which there are many opportunities for the kinds of achievement only possible when we work together as a community. Students are encouraged to show leadership within the School by supporting younger members of the school. They are expected to show initiative and leadership; to take a lead role in school events and to act as ambassadors by making a contribution to the school and wider community.

Volunteering in the community

Many of our sixth form students are keen to employ their talents to contribute towards the benefit of others in the community. Many students grow in confidence as they see how they can make a positive contribution to the lives of others, they develop their interpersonal and communication skills helping people of all ages and backgrounds and possibly, most rewarding of all, they learn how enjoyable it can be to put others before themselves.

School Council

The School Council is a group elected by the students to support the interests and welfare of Sherrardswood‘s student body. The purpose of the School Council is to ensure that student issues and concerns are discussed and included as part of the ongoing improvements and overall management of the School. The Sixth Form Leadership Committee also oversees a number of student social and charity events across the whole school.