Extra Curricular
Our aim is to develop the whole person as well as stretching our students academically. We offer a wide range of clubs, activities and outings to our students throughout the senior school.
Sports clubs include gymnastics, dance as well as a variety of winter and summer indoors and outdoor sports. Many students participate in a range of sporting activities and fixtures at the end of the school day. We offer lunchtime clubs that enhance the learning in most subject areas and there are a number of Drop In sessions for students who want some further support with the curriculum. Other lunchtime activities range from Warhammer, Chess to Choir.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is one of the country’s most established initiatives whose philosophy is all about ‘having a go’. Sherrardswood runs the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards with many students in Year 9 currently doing Bronze.
Various inter-school activities are arranged and our students compete regularly with other schools not only in sports, but also in annual Mathematics Challenges, National Language Vocabulary and Debating contests, Art and Design and Technology competitions throughout the year.
In addition, theatre trips, field work and visits to art galleries, museums and places of historical, scientific and technological interest are arranged as part of our curriculum for all our students. The educational value of these outings is seen as an important extension of the work done in the classroom.
Residential trips such as Geography field studies, language and cultural visits to other countries are part of the experience of Sherrardswood.