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Academic Life

Extensive and exciting educational opportunities continue for all students within the Senior Department and our team of specialist teachers ensures a lively and stimulating learning environment.

Our broad, balanced curriculum enables students of all abilities to achieve success. Learning the skills required for independent study, students are also prepared for the opportunities and responsibilities which lie ahead. Small classes throughout the Senior Department ensure that each student is given individual attention. Students are encouraged to achieve success in both academic and extra curricular areas with support from our staff. Our teachers employ a variety of teaching methods to support each student’s talents and interests so that they achieve the highest level of which they are capable.

In Years 7 & 8, students study English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, History, Geography, Personal & Social Education, Religious Education, Design & Technology, Food Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Information Technology, Physical Education and Games. In Year 8, German and Spanish are introduced.

In Year 9, students continue to study English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Personal & Social Education, Physical Education, Games and French, Spanish or German. Students also select four or five options out of the following: a second Foreign Language, History, Geography, Design & Technology, Food Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Information Technology, Business Studies, Leisure & Tourism and Physical Education. At the end of Year 9, all students achieve the Cambridge Nationals Award in ICT.

In Years 10 and 11, students continue to work towards their chosen GCSEs. Most will sit individual GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, whilst some opt for the Core and Additional Science GCSE programme. Students also regularly choose to prepare for a Further Maths GCSE on top of their Maths GCSE. In addition to our internal assessment systems, which maintain students’ success and establish academic targets, all students undertake the Cambridge Occupational Analysis Test, which provides a profile of strengths, weaknesses and aptitudes. This is very helpful and used by our Careers teacher and Senior Leadership Team for individual consultations with students regarding next steps post Year 11.

A full range of facilities supports the delivery of our curriculum including a large Sports Hall, fully equipped ICT suites, purpose built Food Technology and Design and Technology rooms as well as a Modern Foreign Languages Block and a Music House.