Welcome to Sherrardswood Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA). This section of the website provides information on the PTFA, what they do and how to become involved.
Current Parents
All current parents are automatically members of the Sherrardswood PTFA, a registered charity. The day-to-day running of the PTFA is in the hands of the Executive Committee which is elected at an Annual General Meeting held in the Autumn Term. We warmly welcome all new parents and encourage participation – however great or small. Getting involved with the PTFA is a great way to meet other parents and to get to know Sherrardswood better, as well as to make a valuable contribution to your child’s future.
Each Year group has one or more Class Representatives (Reps). This person helps to gather and disseminate relevant PTFA information as well as maintain the current Year Group’s Contact List. Where possible, the Class Reps attend the PTFA meetings.
For 2015 – 2016, the Class Reps are:
Reception –Sandra Walsh
Year 1 - Tracey Dickinson
Year 2 - Lisa Gould/ Liz Petrucci
Year 3 – Sally Lowing
Year 4 – Lisa Phillips
Year 5 – Vanessa Snowdon
Year 6 – Liz Petrucci
Years 7 to 13 – looking for volunteers!
Potential Parents
You can find out a lot about a school by seeing what the PTFA gets up to. We think our school is the best, and we also like to think that our Association is pretty good, too! Browse around our site, feel free to attend one of our public events, and get a flavour for what Sherrardswood School is all about. We would love to see you at our regular PTFA meetings for a coffee, chat and find out what is happening in and around the school.
Funds Raised
Funds raised by the PTFA go towards buying ‘extras’ for the school which include non-essential equipment – all of which enhance your child’s school experience. Recent purchases have included:
- Tennis courts resurfacing (partial funding)
- Acoustic curtains for Sports Hall
- Whiteboards for Language Department
- iMacs for the Music Dept
The PTFA organise and help out at a number of events throughout the school year including:
- Coffee morning & nearly new uniform sale
- Fireworks night
- Father Christmas visit for all pupils
- Christmas disco for Pre-Prep and Prep
- Christmas dinner dance/drinks party parents and friends
- Serving refreshments at the school music/sports events
- Cake sales
- Parent/staff quiz nights
- Race night
- Easter bunny visit (with chocolate eggs for all pupils)
- Camping night
- Pamper evening
- Friday ice cream
Throughout the year we also raise money for the school via the following: Phil the Bag, Cash 4 Coins, Hanging Basket / Flower / Bulb orders and Christmas Cards designed by the children.
On a monthly basis, we hold our own private lottery known as Lucky Numbers, a joining form is available from the PTFA.
Our Aims
The overall objective of the PTFA is to serve and promote the interests of Sherrardswood School and in particular to:
- Encourage co-operation and good relations between all those associated with the school
- Help, improve and develop the school’s facilities through fundraising
- Make the best use of members’ advice, abilities and voluntary help in extracurricular activities
- Arrange fundraising and social events
The AGM is held each year in the Autumn Term when new members are elected to serve on the Committee.
How You Can Help
Sherrardswood School and its PTFA greatly appreciates any parental assistance. We recognise the depth and variety of skills parents have to offer both the school and its pupils. If you would like to get involved or require further information, please contact one of the PTFA Executive Committee in person or by email,
Executive Committee
Chair: Amanda Neilson
Treasurer: Clair Beechey / Jane Barranes
Events: Lisa Rowlinson
The PTFA is looking for a Secretary. Please email should you be interested.