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Dance Aid Danceathon

On Friday 12 February 2016, Sherrardswood organised an fantastic Danceathon day in collaboration with the charity Dance Aid. Dance Aid support orphaned, poor and disabled children with their incredible work. More information about Dance Aid can be found on

Our very own Mrs Layton organised routines for every year group and the students were so enthusiastic, giving their all to the dances and in many cases in fancy dress attire!

All in all our Danceaid day raised almost £400; £100 from the breaktime cake sale and the rest from non-uniform day donations.

Danceaid have kindly said that as a local charity they are able to assist our pupils to gain work experience in all areas from administration to event management and dance. Thank you to Laura Wilson from Danceaid for coming in for the whole day and encouraging everyone along the way.

A great day. Lots of fun. For a good cause.
